Freitag, 19. August 2011

Alkacon Software releases OpenCms 8.0.2

Alkacon and OpenCms logo

OpenCms 8.0.2 is now ready and available for download.

OpenCms is one of the most popular Open Source Content Management Solutions. This new version was developed by Alkacon Software GmbH with the support of the international OpenCms developer community.

OpenCms 8 contains a greatly improved user interface for content managers and numerous other enhancements.

With OpenCms 8.0.2, many important and useful additional features and improvements have been added to the core system and a number of issues that persisted in the 8.0.1 release have been fixed.

Main improvements in OpenCms 8.0.2

  • It's now possible to easily enable drag & drop for any existing JSP. Just create a reference to the JSP with the new ADE resource type "Dynamic Function".
  • Refined element permissions for ADE now support Elements dragable by everyone, but editable only with special permissions.
  • The sitemap editor now displays status information such as title and VFS location above the currently edited sitemap and features a "go to the parent sitemap" option in the toolbar.
  • Group containers now have a "Break Up" option which removes the group and places all elements individually on the currently edited page, making it easier to create pages with slightly different configurations.
  • If a content is previewed in the ADE content gallery, it can now directly be dragged & dropped from the content preview to the current page.
  • The legacy direct edit provider for pages using "old" templates now allows to open the "Property" dialog to edit the page properties in direct edit mode.
  • Significantly improved sitemap configuration options make it much easier to create sophisticated special configurations.
  • Improved SEO refined naming schema for automatically created resources.

Please check out the release notes for further details of the changes in this release.

Main new features in OpenCms 8

  • The "Advanced Direct Edit" mode allows to create page content by drag & drop.
  • The new Sitemap Editor allows to create new pages and rearrange the navigation tree by drag & drop.
  • A multiple file enabled upload dialog all based on HTML replaced the old "Upload Applet".
  • The new "Content Subscription Engine" allows to inform users when important documents have changed.
  • The XML content editor now support <xsd:choice> elements.
  • The new publish dialog supports session based selection of content as well as add/remove of individual resources.
  • Extended support for creation of content for mobile devices with the <cms:mobile> tag.
  • A central "Shared Folder" has been added that is available from all sites for sharing content.
  • JPA support has been added to the database layer, so there's support for 10 additional databases.

We recommend everyone who uses OpenCms to update to the 8.0.2 release. OpenCms 8.0.2 is fully backward compatible to all prior 7.x versions. Templates and other OpenCms developed code from version 7.0 or 7.5 should work "out of the box" with version 8.0.2.

Users of the Alkacon OCEE packages require a new version of Alkacon OCEE for use with this OpenCms release. OpenCms 8.0.2 requires Alkacon OCEE version 3.0.2 or newer.

About OpenCms

Independent research has shown OpenCms to be a market leading solution amongst Open Source CMS systems. The software has been in continuous development for the last 10 years and has an active community of Open Source developers.

More than 100 international IT companies have been registered as official OpenCms Solution Provider on the OpenCms website. A steadily growing list of reference sites also shows the increasing use of OpenCms.

OpenCms is an enterprise - ready web content management solution build in Java and XML from open source components. OpenCms can easily be deployed on almost any existing IT infrastructure and provides powerful features especially suited for medium and large enterprise internet or intranet applications. OpenCms is open source software distributed under the LGPL license.

Alkacon Software GmbH is the company responsible for the development of OpenCms. Today OpenCms is a leading open source CMS solution in widespread use all over the world. Many businesses and organizations use OpenCms as a cost effective, professional alternative to expensive license products.

Alkacon Software GmbH offers its customers training, support and add-on products for OpenCms. This gives our customers a layer of security and convenience often required for mission critical OpenCms installations. Please see the Alkacon product overview for more details.

The team at Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts wants to thank everyone who has contributed to this release of OpenCms.

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